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by 米亚·法里斯
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不像在美国.S., not every coffee shop in 法国 is a Starbucks-style cafe that offers a convenient study environment for students. 我已经习惯了我在美国的大学城.S., I had developed a habit of staking out in coffee shops to conduct my studying. Once I realized this, I wondered how I could replicate this in my new city, 格勒诺布尔. 从外面看, it did not seem like there were many of the coffee shops that I was used to back home. There is actually a Starbucks in 格勒诺布尔, but it is at the 码头 (train station) so it is much more conducive to picking up a cappuccino on your way to your train than it is for studying.

几次, I worked up the courage on a Saturday morning to collect my laptop, 家庭作业, 和背包去调查可能的学习地点, but often times I would sheepishly sit in the corner too nervous to ask for WiFi passwords or even break out my laptop. 值得庆幸的是, 经过一些搜索和与朋友的合作, 我找到了几个坐下来学习的好地方.




法国圣马丁-d - h大街38400号

工厂的咖啡馆 is a study spot that I discovered by accident. I was early to campus one day, and I noticed it as I stepped off the tram at the University stop. 因为它就在校园里, it was the most convenient place to go when I had to be in class all day or just needed a break before I started my route home. 工厂的咖啡馆 offered the typical on campus cafe environment that I was used to back in the states complete with an array of snacks, 大量的咖啡, 免费无线网络, 还有很多出口.

Au Bonheur Des th薪金



Picture2My personal favorite place to study with friends was Au Bonheur Des th薪金. 我很幸运, 这家商店离我的寄宿家庭只有一站电车站的距离, so I frequently passed it on my way to classes or when visiting friends downtown. 每周一次,在我们的法语戏剧课后, my friends and I would take the tram to the Alsace Lorraine tram stop and spend our afternoons studying in our favorite corner tucked away upstairs. There is something about the cozy shop that makes it such an ideal place to study. 这是一家茶馆, 所以气氛非常放松, 咖啡馆周围甚至挂满了植物.

I would say this is a definite place to go on those cold rainy days of the 格勒诺布尔 winter. My favorite thing to order during those times  was the hot matcha boba, 这听起来很奇怪, 但我保证那很棒.

帕洛阿尔托研究中心德 Sculptures



如果你不认为WiFi是学习的必需品, 宁愿花时间在户外, then the 帕洛阿尔托研究中心德 Sculptures offers the perfect environment. One of the greatest attributes of 格勒诺布尔 is that it offers both a big city environment as well as plenty of outdoor activities. 所以当寒冷的冬天结束时, there is nothing better than to sit in a park either alone or with friends!




If you are finding yourself missing your local university coffee shop, 法国咖啡店应该能够填补这一空白. This was one place that I never felt out of place for staying for hours at a time. 因为有很多舒适的座位, 免费无线网络, 还有一系列的咖啡选择, there were several times when my friends and I spent out entire days here!




Picture3Due to the small space, and popularity of this spot, it was not always my go-to study place. However, food-wise, this was my favorite place to grab brunch with friends. And, since there was WiFi available, I would occasionally bring my laptop along. 因为那是一家新西兰风格的咖啡馆, they have lots of amazing offerings (specifically so many varieties of TimTams, 这是我一直以来最喜欢的饼干,你一定要尝尝).


After living in 格勒诺布尔 for a little while, I realized that there are endless places to explore. With that said, here are some honorable that did not quite make my top five:


我和朋友们喜欢徒步到山顶野餐, but you can always take the bubbles to save yourself a trip.

Au Chardon Bleu

I am not certain what it was, but this bakery held a special spot in the heart of my friends and me. Perhaps it was because there were several locations around the city. For whatever reason, Au Chardon Bleu offered a little piece of home.


Wherever you are attending classes, you most likely will have at least one library on campus. 就我个人而言,我后悔没有更多地利用这一资源. At the library you will have access to books, computers, printers, and librarians for help. There are also at least vending machines that serve coffee if you are in desperate need of a pick-me-up.

整体, since 格勒诺布尔 is one of the top university cities in 法国, 有很多学习的好地方. Finding a regular study spot can also be a way to connect with locals or to get to know your classmates.

米亚·法里斯是CEA校友大使 在格勒诺布尔留学2020年春季学期,在法国. 她目前是桑福德大学的一名学生.

米亚·法里斯 2020年春季校友大使在格勒诺布尔吗, 法国, 目前在桑福德大学学习.
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